What is Reality? How Do We Create It?

what is reality

We all ask, “What is reality.” Here’s the kicker. Reality is what we create. We control our reality, our experience at every moment in time.  No two realities on this planet are the same. I know, it seems woo woo. But science has proven that’s exactly what we humans do.

We’ve all been taught that the answer to “what is reality” is out there someplace – controlled by some external force.  Many of us are victims of that external reality.

Guess what? That’s not true. In fact, none of us are living the same reality because each of us is creating our own reality, at every moment of every day. And we have the power to change that reality.  Here’s the scoop.

What is Reality? Your Very Own World.

We’ve all been taught we are conscious, rational beings. Maybe. But here’s how that whole reality and consciousness technology within our minds really works.

  • Our Unconscious is the Master. We’ve been trained to believe that our conscious minds ruled our lives, our thinking and our behaviors.  We’re now discovering that our unconscious minds actually rule our reality, selecting what we actually experience. Our unconscious minds filter all of our sensory stream and then select a small amount of that data to pass to our conscious minds as the reality we experience.
  • We Choose Our Individual Reality.  Out of 11M bit/second of data – our unconscious mind chooses only 126 bits/second to pass to our conscious minds as our reality at that moment. If you think that 126 bits is the only possible reality out of that 11M bits/second – well, you might want to flip that belief too. The statistics say that there are other possibilities… and not only that. If each of us is selecting our own 126 bits from that humongous stream – are we even living the same reality????  What are the chances that you are selecting the same 126 bits as I am?  SLIM to NONE.
  • My Reality is My Projection.  Our unconscious minds decide what bits to select based on our expectations. These expectations are created from the day we’re born based on our attention, our training, our decisions, attitudes, values  and more, The thing is, once we have an expectations, for example, “I can’t double my income in a horrible economy,”  we literally won’t see other options beyond that program. Why? Because that expectation selects the data  that becomes our reality – and that means that belief, attitude, whatever comes true. Over and over and over again.  And the more it comes true the stronger the program becomes and the more we have the same experience.  Welcome to self-fulfilling prophecies.
  • I Create my Reality. Yep, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy even as we select our realities. And that means we are all responsible for our own reality, at any point in our lives. Which is why you see people thriving in a “tough” economy, living with and defeating dis-eases that modern science dictates are fatal, stepping beyond limiting expectations and into powerful lives. They have a different reality (aka their projection) because they literally have an expectation that says, “I can thrive.
  • I Can Select From Limitless Realities. If there are 11M bits/second to choose from, and I’m only selecting 126 bits a any point in time… what other options are out there? LOTS. That means that if I can change the expectations from my past, literally upgrade my unconscious mind, I can change my reality. That’s the foundation of the Law of Attraction, the Secret, the Power of Positive Thinking and more. The thing is – it’s not about changing our conscious mind through the brute power of forced thoughts for a few minutes a day. Limitless thinking and the resulting realities come from  changing our unconscious mind’s expectations.

The best news of all?  Thanks to the discoveries of mind science we can all change our expectations to step into limitless thinking and  resulting limitless realities.

So next time you wonder about “What is reality,” answer your own question.

You’re creating it right now.


If you’d like to know more about how expectations create our experience, check out The Science of Paying Attention.


Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net and nritos.

1 Comment

  • Kim

    November 16, 2013 - 6:20 am

    This is absolutely true. Having been a leader and manager for years, I saw my staff, my peers, all that I worked with do this at different times. It’s equally applicable to our personal lives as well, any relationship actually. In any given circumstance, within seconds, all that you described occurs and we “sum up” the situation based on our preconceived ideas and prejudices. There’s two primary problems in doing this. One, we are placing ourselves in a position of power. Since it’s real in our brain the other person, “just doesn’t get it” or they’re “unable to see it”. We are driven by this created perception which leaves the other person often unable to get us to see their side of things thus creating a huge roadblock in communication as we are often unwilling to even consider what they have to say because our reality is the only one that is accurate. If it’s real, it’s gotta be right. Well…wrong! The second thing is it stagnates growth. If I decide what occurred based on my views, my perception, my reality, then the other’s can’t possibly be equal to mine and worthy of consideration. When a person isn’t willing to be introspective, they will not grow. Personal growth requires looking inward and analyzing the possibility of the accuracy of what we’ve heard from others. Without it, we will always stay where we’ve always been.

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