Your Brain in the Way

I’ve spent most of the last decade exploring the dynamics of the human brain, our programming and how it impacts our lives and our professional selves. 

I’ve learned that our brains are amazing machines. But they are not the logical, analytical supercomputers so many of us assume them to be.  We’re driven by programs that were created in caveman (and cavewoman) times, and even before that. These very programs, focused on survival, do not serve us well in our modern world. In fact, they limit us in ways you never would imagine. 

The good news is that we can change our programming and step into the reality of our modern world. It takes some practice and tenacity – but you can rewire your programming to step out of your unconscious directions and into growth thinking.

The following video shares some facts about how our brain works.  When I first began exploring our brains – I was blown away by some of the things I learned.  If you’re like me, you won’t believe what I share in this video. But it’s true – and this is what’s guiding your decisions right now!

Our Brains on Change

So – how do you change all that programming?   You can do it – and here are a few tips and tricks to change that caveman thinking and step into modern day success.  (reposted from

12 Most Brainy Ways to Change Your Thinking & Grow Your Business

The Bottom Line

Change is a given in our modern world. Every change creates an opportunity – when we can see it that way. Yet our caveman brains don’t what us to accept and leverage the changes that are all around us. Our brains want us to stick with the status quo, the herd and the way we’ve always done it.

That’s the big challenge we all face in today’s world.

When we evolve our thinking through practice and reprogramming – we can and will create competitive advantage – in any economy, market or situation.

Prove it To Yourself

For one week, pick just one of the programming shifts described in the videos above. Apply it to your thinking for the week. Pay attention to your programming and shift when you catch yourself in one of our brains’ limiting patterns. All it takes is a week for you to feel the shift, from the gravity of the status quo to the growth opportunities of a brain in change!

Let us know what happens at the end of the week please. I want to hear your stories!

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